Constable Tradesman ITBP April-2014


भारत तिब्बत सीमा पुलिस बल

images (1)Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP)
Ministry of Home Affairs (Government of India)





Applications are invited for filling up the following posts in  ITB Police (ITBP) from Indian citizens :

  1. Constable (Tailor) : 32 posts (UR-16, OBC-9, SC-5,ST-2)
  2. Constable (Gardener)  (Male only) : 09 posts (UR-6, OBC-2, SC-1)
  3. Constable (Cobbler)  (Male only) : 23 posts (UR-12, OBC-6, SC-3,ST-2)
  4. Constable (Water Carrier)  (Male only) : 123 posts (UR-63, OBC-33, SC-18, ST-9)
  5. Constable (Gardener)  (Male only) : 09 posts (UR-6, OBC-2, SC-1)
  6. Constable (Safai Karamchari) (Male only): 99 posts (UR-50, OBC-27, SC-15,ST-7)
  7. Constable (Cook) (Male only): 115 posts (UR-58, OBC-31, SC-17,ST-9)
  8. Constable (Washerman) (Male only): 48 posts (UR-24, OBC-13, SC-7,ST-4)
  9. Constable (Barber) (Male only): 47 posts (UR-24, OBC-12, SC-7,ST-4)

Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2000/-

How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be sent on or before the last date 15/05/2014 (last date is 22/05/2014 for the candidates of Far - flung areas)

For complete detail of the advertisement for information like selection process, eligibility criteria, how to apply, certificates to attach with application form and Application Form, please view
