Pandya Gram Bank March-2013

Pandyan Grama Bank
Administrative Office, 2-70-01, Collectorate Complex, Virudhunagar - 626002, Tamilnadu

Job Details (publish by
Applications invited for interview for the following cadres from the candidates who have appeared at the Common Written Examination  for RRBs conducted by IBPS  and declared qualified :

  1. Officer Scale-II : 07 posts
  2. Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer) : 02 posts
  3. Officer Scale-II (Information Technology) : 02 posts 
  4. Officer Scale-II (Law Officer) : 01 post
  5. Officer Scale-II (Marketing Officer) : 01 post
  6. Officer Scale-II (Agricultural Officer) : 02 posts 
  7. Officer Scale-I : 50 posts 
  8. Officer Assistant (Multipurpose) : 126 posts 
How to Apply : Apply at Pandyan Grama Bank website from 26/03/2013 to 12/04/2013 only.

Please visit for details and apply online from 26/03/2013 onwards.
