CBSE Facilitators-Trainer-s March-2013

CBSE jobs at
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Shiksha Sadan, 17, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi 110002
Job Details (publish by

CBSE invites online applications for the following posts for Skill based Vocational Courses on - Retail, IT, Security and Automobile at secondary level under National Vocational Education Qualification Framework from the session 2012-13 and will conduct a Walk-In-Interview for these posts to be filled on contract basis :

    • Facilitators/ Trainers  for affiliated schools, (On Contract) : 85 posts (60 for I.T, 10 each for Automobile & Retail and 5 for security Courses), Payment : Rs. 18000/- consolidated per month, Age : 45 years
      How to Apply :  Apply online through latest by 25/03/2013 and Print Copy of the same application should reach to this office along with detailed Curriculum Vitae, Demand Draft of Rs. 100 ( in favour of Secretary, CBSE, Payable at Delhi ), attested photocopies of other relevant documents etc. by 31st March 2013. :

      Vocational Educational Cell, Central Board of Secondary Education, 10th Floor, 2, Community Center, Shiksha Kendra, Preet Vihar, Delhi- 110092.

      For details, please see document
